Monday, January 04, 2010

Democracy - Elections - Hung Parliament

The topic on TV at the commencement of the New Year is a "Hung Parliament" with a potential for Westminister (UK) elections in March, May or June of this year.

However, let us not detract from the "Expenses" debacle and that we have currently a complete failure of democracy in the UK. There was 200 names or thereabouts on a list as an outcome of the Public Scrutiny Committee, which recently the newspapers are now reporting is 400 name strong.

The problem - failure of democracy - and it is not acceptable for Jack Straw MP to propose "new" laws which would not come into effect until after a General Election anyway, what is NECESSARY is that EXISTING laws prevail - misconduct in public office being the operative law and others in relation to fraud and criminal conduct.

However, I am also minded to the fact that if the list is 200 or 400 strong, then the word "organised" surfaces in relation to the word "crime" - and I would like to see the "voting" records analysised as a potential information source to establish that people are not voting "undemocratically" or "anti-democratically" against the needs and protection of the UK, ie that subjectivity is occurring in voting, eg soft furnishings, grass cutting in exchange for a vote tending towards this particular pursuasion over and above the needs of a "just and safe society" requirement. Our laws are supposed to be made in "good faith" and implemented in the same light either permitting or prohibiting, and sometimes with a duty of care and a standard of reasonableness as operational requirements. Laws are there to protect us - all of us. (I moreover, want to ensure that 179 soldiers are dead through just warfare in Iraq, and not murdered by the state, as an outcome - the Lothian and Borders police have been passed a letter in that regard which requires investigation, albeit they are less than helpful concerning inquiries and how they deal with members of the public: an issue currently needing rectification in law promptly).

With 200 or 400 MP's entrapped in corruption, there is perhaps a need for a speedy solution.

I propose that for the purposes of democracy each and every MP on the expenses scandal lists be suspended. As the previous General Election was a democratic election process, there are "second place" candidates and my proposal is that all second place candidates be nominated to take up a position on the Commons Bench in the event of suspension of first place candidates. The "Corporate Veil" is lifted. The Expenses Scandal list exists and therefore MP's are not holding office "beyond reproach" in public life. As such, there is a failure of democracy. What should have occurred is constituency elections, but the expenses debacle and Jack Straw MP is caught in it, has the appearance of only covering their own backsides by implying new law which will not impact until after a General Election. I was not aware that it was possible to bind a future government in this way in any event, who could overturn the issue if they saw fit upon office take-up - is Government playing poker at the gambling table, rather than "doing" democracy.

Let the second place general election candidates step forward, suspend those on the list, and Hang the Parliament setting up a coalition government with a General Election remit of 6 months to 1 year hence.

Those suspended would have sufficient time to clear their names or be damned, if their names are cleared they would be permitted to stand again for their Constituencies at a future date. (Any employee in an organisation caught with their hands in the till would be hauled into a disciplinary hearing, and be warned or sacked - this lot appear to think they can go to General Election).


It is a solution, I propose it - suspension of first place candidates on the Expenses scandal list with second place candidates required to step up to the Commons Bench. The reason - people are suffering as a consequence of policy failure, it is also too much to expect Gordon Brown PM to handle this failure on his own - all hands are needed on deck, and rowing in the same direction: the Treasury bail out of the Royal Bank of Scotland at 80%+ means a severe liquidity issue - Bankers should not be holding the Government to ransom, and if they do they can "attempt" to go to "bank of elsewhere with "failure" on their CVs". There is a significant difference between failure and managing failure, only one earns their bonus when IN PROFIT. The EU are looking at the competition issues, and rightly so. 2010 does not have to be "more of the same", it can be "improvement", re-adjustment and putting right what needs to be put right by getting back onto the right path and accepting there are somethings Government just got plain wrong.

As for the Equality Bill does it use the word "meritorious" in it:

Food for thought:

3 words - flip a coin = equality
2 words - meritorious selection = equality
1 word - EQUALITY

When objectively done - equality does really exist ... if in doubt - No "positive" discrimination

The last General Election produced a verifiable democratic outcome - elected representatives - equality also produced the second and third candidate ranks - there MUST be some reason why there is a second and third rank, and perhaps the Expenses debacle is a REASON indeed that could be used to rectify MERITORIOUSLY a need to restore democracy and integrity in a democratic process ASAP (as soon as possible).

Postive "NO" Discrimination is an outcome of suspending those from public office not "beyond reproach" and putting forward the second rank candidates. I reckon I cannot hammer home this point enough, we are currently in disgrace - globally: sooner mended, sooner rectified.


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