Tony Blair claims he can look people in the eye, he was not deceitful or misleading etc etc: I ask what about Malcolm Kendell Smith, the conscientious objector who went to prison. What about the millions of people who lobbied government informally and formally - I was "snowdrop" on the Channel 4 Chat Thread as well as later going under my own name. I feel completely ignored and lately I appear to be a political prisoner on a mental health ward when not actually being mentally ill - I am supposed to be deluded about the Woolf Reforms and a Mr Michael Ford and Professor Richard Susskind OBE. An issue of delusion is cured by "knowledge" not "clinical need". I am not deluded and never have been, have always disputed my diagnosis and refused to take medication willingly, always under protest. I have had my right to freedom of expression removed from time to time, I have had what appears to be gynocological treatment without my concent possibly using nano technology - which could fall within the realm of torture albeit I have benefited from the process. My right to life has been impacted as I have not had a personal family life other than through extended family and I am socially engineered into poverty whilst being highly talented and skilled: I cannot get a job but I do keep applying. I consider I am currently under surveillance and have been for the past year or so and I know who but cannot prove it: I have been hacked several times including intellectual espionage, I have had trespass, been poisoned via my toothbrush - yes the same MO (elsewhere on blog), my clothes have been dyed yellow and my shoes, slippers and wellingtons have been damaged. I cannot get a judge or lawyer to act on my issues and my current lawyer is doing her advice rather than my instructions - with I can't I can't I can't even "your not rational" when I am one of the highest minds in the country in law at this time. My previous lawyer stitched me up doing her advice rather than my instructions and had to come off the record when presented with a 30 point email on issues to which she was genuinely upset and shocked. I have notified my MP and MSP's that SLAB lawyers are refusing to take on client work in the Inverness area concerning me. My MP is also having to deal with a welfare benefits issue which is potentially fraudulent via the DWP not me and if I am correct then my medical records are falsified too. The hole that is being dug, and they are still digging, is getting deeper. So if you don't mind, and I don't mind, I would appreciate it if you would read my blog and the document attachments - there is little point in stealing from me because by now they should have appreciated that I put a spot light on the issues - as they say ... let there be light.
To my horror a BBC Journalist/Correspondent on BBC News 24 "Papers" was unhappy about some material in the public domain and said so the other night. I don't know what he was referring to substantively BUT in the current climate of Alternative Dispute Resolution / Informal Dispute Settlement / informal justice / mediation and compromise agreements - journalists should be grateful for any material that falls into the public domain - carpe diem. ADR/IDS/IJ/Mediation and compromise agreements AUTOMATICALLY identify a cover up.
China appears to me to put out the press that they want to be known and that is it: we are supposed to have freedom of the press - yet under Blair we had spin, spin, spin. So the press are just as responsible and accountable for Iraq and if I am correct the "decoy" issue - Woolf Reforms - where was the press intervention on my research issues - I did write four articles for Frances Gibb at the Times, but went unpublished. The Times have been happy to publish a Susskind column, happy to publish Professor Hazel Genn who "concocted" the Woolf Reforms at the University College, London - whilst I was next door at Birbeck College doing my dissertation for Professor Nicola Lacey and Dr Lindsay Farmer. The press gave Woolf maximum coverage, Derry Irvine of Lairg and also some to Lord Mackay of Clashfern - but why not Miss Lesley Diane McDade. Kamlesh Bahl and Jane Betts even managed to get a news blackout. The only person that I recall being published anti-Woolf was David Pannick QC, now Lord Pannick and he was anti-skeleton arguments and he was right - check out my skeleton arguments and then look at the judgments! My three court cases and my research material have been largely covered up - Woolf was processed without any press checks of any significance - the judiciary and legal profession were intellectually "knocked over" as a pillar, then the press pillar - spin; then the Defence pillar - Iraq; then the banking pillar and then mass youth unemployment ... where do you think we were headed logically, intellectually or just plain guessing.
Standards have lowered and are lowering still - I can't even get a lawyer to do simple human rights or get a Scottish Legal Aid Board solicitor to practise in my area concerning my issues - where did they get the right not to take on a client for any area of SLAB work - the only reason you should be able to turn a SLAB client away is "conflict of interest". When you do have a SLAB lawyer - who claims to be "out of jurisdiction" for certain SLAB work - "use local SLAB solicitor" she said and the service is so poor she wont do your instruction but forces you to do her "advice" which you are not obliged to take - it better work.
So back to Chilcot - his report started at 2001 and specifically excluded my material which was 2000. That does not mean to say he did not have my material - he did - and that also does not follow that Blair is off the hook. Just saying - as the War in Iraq is deemed "unjust". It naturally follows "misconduct in public office" is an offence that is applicable. There is an "enemy within" - Jewish plot and it sourced from America using a Japanese concept which was modified. If you compromise your rights, then soon you will have few or none. I have asked for Parliamentary Sovereignty - a very large cheque would be nice too.
Just saying further Hilary Clinton has been in office for 20 years or more, ie she has never been out of office. I have also been oppressed, suppressed and repressed for 20 plus years - not quite. Just so that you can see I am impartial on American politics - maybe, sort of, getting there ... Donald Trump is doing "distraction" politics - he says look at the Hispianics and you do - look at that ugly woman and you look; don't let the Muslims in - spotlight all Muslims. He has done more for minorities than anyone. However, I perceive Bill Clinton and Monica - the scandal - did just as much distraction politics as anything - and ADR got in globally - like you all noticed. So what has Donald really been getting up to ... well he did highlight Prestwick Airport over Heathrow Airport for the Scots - you know it makes sense so give him credit where its due - here's a credit - when you next manage to get a round of golf with "The Donald" in Scotland - stop to spot the windmills, and, everytime you see them say what about this tree species or that statue or that we hut for a dram and if you put a pot of environmental questions beside the wee dram, you might learn something, you didn't know - do golfers only talk about golf! Problem solved. Let there be light.
On Brexit - I voted "out", but fully appreciate the Scottish vote was to stay in. I am now supporting Leadsom as I do not consider May has the qualities necessary to be a prime minister as she does not come across as a people person, especially concerning migrants. Also I don't consider she is correct about the nuclear option - this is twentieth century thinking. We are in the 21st Century and we need to think and act like it - there is another option available - international cyber centre at Faslane with a court dealing with international matters such as hacking and intellectual espionage, banking, data protection, one-stop software legal jurisdiction, robotics, artificial intelligence, gaming to name a few. In the next ten years cyber is going to take off and that is where we as a country need to be - at the forefront. Nuclear is a burden, we need "cyber" to be processed as a "benefit". Theresa May is not even in the mindset for the 20th Century let alone the 21st. Leadsom voted out, so the race should be between Gove and Leadsom now: if you think otherwise then you need to pull your socks up and wise up.
I wonder, I wonder, I wonder what Malcolm Kendell Smith has to say ... presumably he needs an apology ...
Hi Lesley.. my good friend..its very informative but I do wonder why ..maybe you can wonder..why there seems to be anti semitism on are involving YOUR you Jews seem to cause dislike by increased paranoia.. look at your Nationalism!!!.. which detracts from ypur point rather than makes it.. You head it as the Chillcot report but keep rambling off and apart from mentioning Jeish American and Japenese which is very clever its all very sweeping what you say. You influenced my opinion of Blair as I valie you and you are highly intelligent and maybe you were bugged.. I found that highly exciting when you told me it early in the noughties .. like me you were sectioned by dozy doctors tho I was just given a temporary home with no real medication.. but you havent made your POINT clearly enough here xx
HI there - thanks for leaving a comment. Just because Jewish people are involved does not make me ant-semetic which I am not. Neither am I paranoid - the article is factual and based on fact and deductive reasoning. You need to continue reading to understand fully where I come from and the points I am making. There are roughly three strands to this blog my research based on my dissertation for which I received a 2:1 and had absolute academic freedom; my court case against Masons and Professor Richard Susskind; and my two court cases against S J Berwin & Co. That they all involve jewish people who have been less than fair and are corrupt is the point. Anticipate you will appreciate the informative nature of this blog which is controversial with a greater conspiracy of cover-up and being ignored.
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