Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Level Playing Field

As you are aware I was before Master Leslie of the Royal Courts of London on 6 June 2008 - the outcome was not favorable, in fact as stated below on blog posts, it occasioned complicity with Respondents' solicitor Alison (nosy) Parker of Beachcrofts LLP. Subsequently a request for an appeal and judicial review before Mr Justice Hamblen on 27 November 2008 was refused thereby adding to the corruption which was abundently apparent in papers to date and which also notified of the corruption attributable to Master Leslie and Respondents' solicitor Alison Parker on 6 June. The matter thereafter went before Mr Justice Mackay of Court 37 on 11 February 2009 and only an "oral hearing" inter partes (Paula Jefferson and another) was permitted to note take. I turned up at the Press Office to seek assistance from a journalist to note take, who referred me to the in court support service and a very nice BVC student took notes (to which I also note took the Decision read on the day). The outcome is the case is effectively closed down unless I comply with Master Leslie's Order - but that is the problem. I cannot ever comply with Master Leslie's order as it is fundamentally unjust to which he has also added criminal activities of misconduct in public office and perversion of the course of justice including complicity with Respondents' solicitor Alison Parker and her actions to pervert the course of justice by influencing the Official Solicitor for England & Wales by her only accessing Mr Parker's previous solicitors Hodge Jones Allen as a source of public funding BUT not the Legal Aid Fund or anyone on the LCS list (I think its called - to whom I had already approached to secure assistance; none forthcoming). The Official Solicitor asked me to walk away with each party bearing their own costs - I refused. All of this paperwork was before Mr Justice Hamblen and also before Mr Justice Mackay together with oral arguments on the day and at least half a dozen criminal offences were stated to Mr Justice Mackay which he completely failed to deal with. As you are aware from my blog I am completely capable of stating what is mens rea, actus reus and offence and any inchoate derivatives of them.

What is occurring is that Master Leslie wants me to produce a further round of medical reports to which I refuse because (a) I am not a patient and I have an NHS letter stating the same, as produced to him; (b) he already has medical reports and another round is not necessary at this juncture in the case. Moreover, the problem is because Master Leslie wants me to have "protected party" status under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, but I am not legally entitled to that status because I am not a patient. Respondents' solicitors refuse to accept an NHS letter stating I am not a patient. Master Leslie refuses to process Respondents' solicitors for contempt of court as requested for causing a civil liberty issue of over 1 year (Paula Jefferson) and for evesdropping as entrapped in paperwork (Alison Parker and others). A further NHS letter from a "Clinical" Director has been provided and Master Leslie refuses to accept this as sufficient but insists on protected party status to which I cannot comply. Moreover, the Official Solicitor acting complicitly with Respondents' solicitors occasioned a further round of medical reports which the Master appears to fail to appreciate: but on substance neither do I - a sign of neglect is a button missing! The nonsense is apparent and out of control.

As stated in papers, as an English woman by birth NO right thinking English person would accept protected party status under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 where they are NOT A PATIENT.

The contents of the paperwork also secured the statement by Mr Justice Mackay I am "highly intelligent" - does not quite afford an incapacity measure then Mr Justice Hamblen and Mr Justice Mackay. Moreover, I hold down several jobs too, write this blog, do Consultation Papers for fun, etc etc. I have requested the taped transcript and ensured the recording equipment was switched on, aka premediated conduct by Master Leslie of switching it off and only asking for a record from Ms Parker but not myself, to which he avers it is accurate - but I did ask for a declaration of impartiality and provided the reason for it [Richard Susskind] and that little piece of signed and date stamped nonsense "no real prospect of success" Master Leslie produced should also be referred in it - especially as it was subsequently contained in paperwork before Mr Justice Hamblin and Mr Justice Mackay - what are you all covering up Lord Straw!

Unfortunately, I am unable to vacate the case which is substantively criminal. I have asked the Police to deal and been bizarrely passed to the IPCC. Having telephoned the IPCC they refuse to deal, they do not know who the Attorney General is [googled The Rt Hon Baroness Scotland QC apparently], and upon asking for a lapel badge number eventually had to demand it before it was forthcoming. Mr Justice Mackay did say after his decision I could appeal as another option : which I did hence the delay in posting to blog and I now have returned to me a HMCS letter of 5 March 2009 - s54(4) Access to Justice Act 1999 CPR 52.3(3) and (4) with only 1 pleading file but there were 2 files + 1 file of evidence + 1 unbound bundle of papers before Mr Justice Mackay who was asked to pass the paperwork to the Police - so why haven't you.

The nonsense continues ... we shall see the outcome of activities in a few weeks.


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