Sunday, November 23, 2008

Iraq War - conflict ILLEGAL by ex-Law Lord Bingham

(Click Here) - Daily Mail article by Ian Drury 18/11/08 Straw defends his role in the Iraq War after ex-Law Lord brands conflict Illegal

Lord Bingham:
"In fact, he said, UN resolution 1441 - which ministers claimed justified military action - was 'not an express further decision to authorise force'."
"Critics have said that Mr Blair had already made up his mind to commit troops to support US President George W. Bush in Iraq.

But he was desperately seeking a legal justification to avoid the sceptical UN Security Council making the final decision on an attack against Saddam.

Lord Bingham said: 'This statement was flawed in two fundamental respects.
'First, it was not plain that Iraq had failed to comply in a manner justifying resort to force and there were no strong factual grounds or hard evidence to show it had.

'Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors had found no weapons of mass destruction, were making progress and expected to complete their task in a matter of months.

'Secondly, it passes belief that a determination whether Iraq had failed to avail itself of its final opportunity was intended to be taken otherwise than collectively by the Security Council.'

He said: 'If I am right that the invasion of Iraq by the US, the UK and some other states was unauthorised by the Security Council there was, of course, a serious violation of international law and of the rule of law.'"
Well, Lord Bingham ought to be capable of making a succinct judgment on specific "express" wording - it is never too late in that regard.

The best thing we can do is apologise, make the reparation payments and learn valuable lessons, remove troops: as many many people have been hoodwinked under Blair, are "smart-thinking" their way through life being merely clever but not intelligent - there is a material difference. To my mind, the Iraq war was a decoy for an invasion of a concept known as ADR (which has a darker side to it) that hit UK/European shores and has upset the "natural" world order based on the opposites: the damage being done is a consequence of that effect, the sooner we get back to our "good" nature, the better.


Incidentally, the folks doing Christmas Carols to highlight the plight of the alleged "Holy Land" - good for you - sometimes reality shocks and hits home: the papers suggested that it would be offensive, not to me: what is offensive is that we are all supposedly descended from Abraham (in a spiritual and/or religious sense) and are at each others throats in this region of the world. Balance and harmony/reciprocity and mutuality - it does not cost anything at all. Christ's message was "love. For those who identify with Christ and are suffering, the real issue is "unequal" in society, who put that cross on your back? - find a way to obtain assistance to put the issues back where they justly belong.


Mr Brown, £100 billion borrowing - from who? Perhaps you need advice from a volunteer generalist adviser at Citizen Advice Bureau who can give you a debt pack - and possibly access to LILA!

- Check out the Charity shops - kids books/toys are a couple of quid max and there is usually nothing wrong with them whatsoever
- Arts and crafts books will solve all your Xmas pressies - have a go
- Do an oil painting it can't be any worse than you did in nursery school.
- Feng Shui the home: de-clutter, re-arrange things more aesethetically, fix the broken bits (it saves lots of money and you can make a list of items that you really really do need/want - and don't be afraid to give away items that other people think you might like but you feel you have to keep them because ....!)
- Borrow the Feng Shui/Art & Craft book from the Library, where you might be surprised to find out you can borrow music and films (as well as join local groups if you are at all isolated or have nothing better to do!)
- Do a Tombola of Charity shop items or the local "Pound Store" - use a raffle ticket book and see what you can pick up for £'x' or 50/100 items - china tea sets, plant pots, books, cd's etc can be quite good fun and the money all goes to assist others - great for kids. (In Edinburgh there is a "Charity Shop Map of all charities located in Edinburgh" (OXFAM have them as do others)which is a weekend past-time up here allegedly).

Create a "Bah Humbug" Christmas CD - any suggestions via comments (even anonymously) welcome! If you like, make non-Christmas references specific to ON A BUDGET / Bust / Xmas not happening in our house - no turkey!
It's lots of fun - set someone/a kid up as the DJ at the Party.


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