Monday, June 26, 2006

Obstruction of the course of justice

Friday, June 16, 2006


When injustice becomes law

Resistance becomes Duty

Postcard sold by Oxfam

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Just War or Not?

Subject : Military Families Against the War Please sign our new petition

Dear Friend

Thank you for signing the petition calling for the release of Malcolm Kendall-Smith. We plan to hand this in soon.

We are appealing for your support for a new petition
Family members of those killed in Iraq have joined forces with mothers, fathers and partners of those currently serving in Iraq in a new campaign to bring the troops home.

Central to this campaign is a petition to Tony Blair : Prime Minister - Bring the troops home

Please take a moment to sign online:

Download the petition from our website:

Flight Lieutenant Malcolm Kendall-Smith was given an eight month sentence for refusing to serve in Iraq and ordered to pay £20,000 costs. Stop the War has organised A Night of Conscience on 28 June 2006 to help raise funds to pay these costs.

Tony Benn will be joined at St James Church, Piccadilly, by comedians Mark Thomas and Mark Steel, composer Michael Nyman, actress Janet Suzman, playwrights David Edgar and Caryl Churchill, film director Ken Loach, fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, singer Ed Harcourt and many others from film, music, stage, television and politics.

We have received a reply from Tony Blair. Reg Keys has written a response which we would like to make the basis of a response from MFAW. Both letters are included below. Please let us know what you think - send us your own responses and contributions for us to include on the web site.

We want as many military families as possible to add their names to the letter.

In sharp contrast to Blair's unwillingness to meet us, Prince Charles has invited all the families of military killed in Iraq to meet him at Highgrove House on 29th June. We hope that this will cause great embarrassment for Blair by drawing attention to the fact that he still refuses to meet the families of those killed in the war.

22 May 2006
Dear Military families
Thank you for your letter in which you request a meeting to discuss your views. I have, in the past, met families who have lost loved ones in Iraq and other military operations involving UK forces. I know that Adam Ingram, has met a number of your group in recent months on an individual basis and that John Reid has met the families of the six Royal Military Policemen who were killed at al Majarr al Kabir. I can promise that the points raised in those meetings are being followed up actively.

In your letter you accuse me of lying in order to take us into war with Iraq. I would like to make clear that this is simply not true. A number of inquiries, including the Hutton and Butler reports, found that no-one in Government lied or fabricated intelligence. I know many people continue to disagree with the Government's policies towards Iraq and ordering our forces to take action in Iraq was one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make, but I genuinely believe it was the right decision.

I do recognise the very real sacrifices being made by those involved in operations in Iraq and my deepest sympathies go out to all those who have lost loved ones in Iraq. But we must stand alongside the Iraqi people and support them in their quest to establish democracy and in their fight against terrorism.

I strongly believe that the Iraqi people do want democracy rather than the tyranny they suffered for so long. The Iraqi Government has stated that they want us to stay in Iraq until they can deliver security themselves and we will not shrink from this commitment.

I know our Armed Forces and their families have made sacrifices and I am immensely proud of them. I hope you will believe me when I say that I am sure that all those who have been killed in Iraq died defending their country and making the world safer for all of us. Once again, I offer my deepest sympathies to all those who have lost loved ones in Iraq.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Blair

29th May 2006
Dear Prime Minister,
Thank you for your letter of the 22nd May 2006 in response to a request to meet with Military Families who have lost loved ones in Iraq.

Contrary to what you suggest in your letter there has never been a formal collective meeting with yourself and bereaved families wishing to attend. You briefly meet with a few family members at the St. Paul’s memorial service, hardly the atmosphere for an objective meeting. Adam Ingram may also have met with a few members and yourself and President Bush with only hand picked families.

John Reid met with myself and other RMP families purely to brief us on the ongoing murder case in Iraq not to discuss the Iraq issue of going to war in which our loved ones paid the ultimate price.

Mr. Blair this was an invasion and occupation, one of option not necessity. You betrayed the trust of 111 service personnel as Iraq never possessed WMD. Had no links with Al Qaeda or any involvement with 911 and posed no threat to Great Britain whatsoever.

This was contrary to all your pre war rhetoric and propaganda.
Our forces deployed to Iraq short of one vital piece of equipment – the truth.

Prime Minister you betrayed those poor souls’ Oath of Allegiance and exploited their patriotism.

Your letter states these personnel died defending their country. My son did not die defending his country as Iraq had no intention to attack us. My son died serving his country of which I am immensely proud.

Regarding your war on terror all you have succeeded in doing is to
open up another terrorist front in Iraq as its borders are now porous and Iraq spirals into civil war. You claim that the Hutton and Butler reports exonerated your actions but it is now widely recognised that the reports have no credibility.

When cabinet members blunder you remove them from post. Iraq has been a catastrophic political blunder and a clear strategic failure that has cost tens of thousands of innocent lives and billions of pounds. Perhaps now is the time for you to do the honorable thing.
Stop looking at Iraq through your ‘rose tinted’ spectacles within the safety of the Green Zone and join British Forces on a patrol in Basra. There you will see British Troops spat at, stoned, fired upon, petrol bombed and blown up and dismembered.

Hopefully then your common sense will return and replace an inflated ego.

Prime Minister you took us to war on a falsehood of WMD. To impose democracy was never the remit of this war. As in February 2003 you stated Saddam could stay in power if he gave up his WMD capability ( which he never had ).

The very least an honorable man would do in your position is to apologise and resign perhaps before your own peers remove you.

Yours sincerely,
Father of the late Lcpl. Tom Keys RMP murdered Al Majarr al Kabir 2003

The numbers of soldiers going AWOL has trebled since the start of the Iraq war. Around 900 young men and women are currently in hiding like criminals because they don't want to take part in a criminal war in Iraq. A new law could see them jailed for life.

Section 8 of the Armed Forces Bill now going through Parliament introduces a new tougher definition of desertion: soldiers who go AWOL to avoid serving in a military occupation of a foreign country or territory can be imprisoned for life.

A mother with a serving son wrote in her letter to Blair:

"Do you really think that our servicemen & women should be placed in the same category as murderers, rapists, paedophiles & the like? These people enlisted to protect their country & you would treat them thus?"
From MFAW Blog:

An attempt to amend section 8 was defeated in the House of Commons. To read the debate please see this webpage:

The families and friends of those killed in the Jan 2005 Hercules crash have launched a campaign to have a vital safety device fitted to the entire Hercules Fleet now. Had explosive suppressant technology been fitted to the XV179 the 10 passengers and crew could have survived. As you probably know the Herc can carry over 120 people, with half the fleet being in the air at any one time.

Sarah Chapman, whose brother Bob died in the crash has set up a petition to Des Browne: Install explosive-suppressant foam devices in the ENTIRE Hercules fleet NOW.
Please sign the petition, it can be found here:

The website has a facility for you to leave comments of support. It can be found at:

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Is this just good news - The Corruption Bill

The Corruption Bill has had its first reading on 23 May 2006.

The second reading is on 20 October 2006.

Bill 185 54/1 Corruption Bill


1. You refer to the criminal offence of "perverting the course of justice" and categorise it as follows:

(a) External the legal profession to include the crime of "duress"

(b) Internal the legal profession by lawyers or barristers failure to prepare a client's case with reference to:

(i) refusal to take instructions upon consultation and accepting the case inclusive where legal aid is provided;

(ii) refusal to process a case into court where actual fees are paid on account or a guarantee to pay fees and costs when an invoice is rendered at least 14 days after trial (reference rules affecting barristers' fees);

(iii) refusal to do as a judge requests where an appointment of a litigant friend is required on the basis of no funding source available when there is obviously a legal aid fund - which should be accessible as a last resort;

(iv) deliberate 'concealment' of evidence and knowledge under the rules of discovery;

(v) deliberate acts of 'ambush' as a stategy by not providing discovery documents on the date stipulated by the processing judge;

(vi) deliberate acts of 'ambush' as a strategy by not providing witness statements or at all by the date stipulated by the processing judge;

(vii) where lawyers or barristers are named parties to the writ if they fail to attend or prepare witness documents they be deemed in contempt of court or deliberately "attempting" or "conspiring" where they are lawyered and barrister up to pevert the course of justice. A named party is not above the rule of law - where a processing or trial judge fails to ensure all named parties on the Writ prepare documents in accordance with procedural rules or where attend court for due process, that judge(s) be processed for collusion and corruption;

(c) Internal the judiciary by:

(i) failing to process the case management between the parties (irrespective if one or both parties are litigants in person which may require special attention) objectively, ie equally, fairly and impartially.

(ii) failing to ensure all hostile witness orders are made prior to trial;

(iii) failure to record case citation(s); legal arguments and points of evidence in Judgment as deliberate act of corruption and concealment;

(iv) failure to process requests of contempt of court and/or perjury;

(v) failure to process a witness who fails to attend for contempt of court;

(vi) where appealed on the premis of a perversion of the course of justice, the appeal court failing to process the case as a criminal issue where case is civil;

(vii) failure of a judge to declare any lack of impartiality or interest he may have in a case.

2. Make the issue of corruption and corrupt conduct retrospective the Bill.

3. Where a person has done corrupt conduct and is:

(a) a member of a profession, they be debarred from practice;

(b) holds public office, they be sentenced to life in prison which is the current sentence at common law;

(c) is a member of the judiciary be brought before Parliament for assessment for purpose of suspension and retraining and/or removal

Friday, June 09, 2006

Is this just a brilliant idea - Whistleblowing

This "intelligent" company have come up with a policy concerning whistleblowing. If the two legal companies I worked for had such a policy then my cases would never have reached the courts, there would never have been corruption inherent within the judiciary!

Having read this document I would suggest the Department of Constitutional Affairs might BENEFIT from such a policy at the moment as their appears to be a little legal mafia in place.

Whilst court cases are "public" when they are litigated, as opposed to "private" when they are arbitrated, setting up a blogspot with the purpose of "illumination" and "promulgation" is the last resort before street justice - whistleblowing on the judiciary and profession of law, if you like. The legal profession needs to take the point, I think.

You could even have a "whistleblowing" clause in a contract of employment, such that you have a "duty" to the employer to do so!!

- All the company should do is say "thank you"
- If a lot of money is saved, offer a reward or incentive
- Nip a potential big issue in the bud
- Avoid mismanagement and detrimental man management practices
- Litigate or prosecute the real issue
- Enable retraining to occur
- Avoid publicity via the press
- Ensure your clients are engaged with you for "positive" and "progressive" reasons.
- Eliminate stress and distress within your workforce
- Focus on the person(s) who is the problem - management
- Enable work to occur in an aura of objectivity, rather than subjectivity where people are cowered, in fear, or doing nothing as a means to an end.
- Issues of racism, ageism, sexism, favoritism, bullying, etc are prevented at source rather than promulgated in the courts.
- Cost savings in not litigating "subjective conduct by the workforce".
- Avoidance of defamation, libel, slander or misrepresentation
- An apology is beneficial too
- Avoidance of further detriment to a career by sacking
- Sacking only where absolutely necessary
- Corruption is prevented in other organisations associated with your profession or industry
- Cartels don't flourish

- You may have to process people for malicious behaviour
- You may have to process people for defamation, slander, libel or misrepresentation where there is motive to the reason to whistleblow which is subjective to the whistleblower, rather than objective to the organisation



Thursday, June 08, 2006

Possibilities in Jurisprudence - Ideas

Enhancing "Jurisdiction clauses" in Contracts to include human rights, ie freedom of speech, thought, expression, movement and a right to a fair trial.

The objective of doing this is so that contracts could ocurr with countries that have a low human rights record to subtly coerce them to improve their country's intellectual well-being. This would occur only when the contract fails between one or more parties to it which would "enable" the jurisdiction clause to become operational and force the parties to process the breach of contract in a jurisdiction which respects fundamental human rights. Hopefully, countries not being able to process contracts in their own courts would see the benefit of utilising a judicial process that does respect human rights and cause them to raise their level of mutuality and reciprocity with countries who process a degree of human rights via their judicial system and cause them to enhance their judicial system to the same degree.

This would also mean that countries which are currently subject to sanctions would have those sanctions lifted on the basis that external contracts would be processed for benefit and added value within countries who abuse human rights and a basic level of humanity in their country by improving the business opportunities available to them.

I have just been provided data that a Motion for a European Parliament Resolution has occurred on the human rights and democracy clause in European Union agreements 2005/2057(INI) CLICK HERE This is a start at European level and International Law. Perhaps they will get down to the national level and have human rights clauses in domestic agreements (jurisdiction clause) eventually!! They have the idea now!!



Codification - mismanagement and detrimental man management practices

Idea for reform of frontline policing.doc

Environmental Recycling Idea

Monday, June 05, 2006

Justice - Stabbed in the Back

Click here

Mac Cartoons - Scottish Daily Mail Thursday, 1 June 2006

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Japanese Wisdom - The Three Wise Monkeys

Speak No Evil, See No Evil, Hear No Evil Click here