Sunday, September 08, 2024

Nano Technology

Yesterday evening and late last night a piece of nano technology placed within me by a person unknown flared up.  This must have been in response to me sending a copy of my latest report to Sky News in response to their interview with Sir Tony Blair concerning his promotion of his new book "On Leadership".  My concerns were raised as Sir Tony Blair ex-PM was involved in the Woolf Reforms to the Legal System of England and Wales in which there was spin on Lord Woolf's Final Report on "Access to Justice" wherein he actually gave access to compromise thereby misleading Parliament and doing misconduct in pubic office a serious criminal offence.

So whoever activated the piece of nano technology is aware of three criminal offences against me and is choosing to suppress them,  namely Michael Ford KC for sexual assault and stalking; Lord Woolf and others for misconduct in public office; and Professor Richard Susskind OBE for perverting the course of justice.

I am still actively seeking Parliamentary Sovereignty or a Select Committee or a Public Inquiry to the above via my new MP Jamie Stone but he currently has  not answered four pieces of correspondence.

I will keep you posted.


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