Monday, August 28, 2006

Environmental Justice - Recycling - Good News

Thank you.

Possible Idea - Recycling

Save our environment

Peterborough, South Norfolk, Wiltshire, Cheshire, Surrey

and another version

and another version


Crewe, Nantwich, Peterborough, South Norfolk, Woking, Devizes

Crewe, Nantwich, Peterborough, South Norfolk, Woking, Devizes again

Another version

This is good news, however, qualified, it is for the common good, therefore the community must be rewarded in some way for providing you with their rubbish. It is suggested that this is done by reducing the Council Tax bill, which could also be an anti-poverty measure for households burdened by Council Tax.

Please note that "rubbish" is a cash cow industry - it therefore has a commercial viability second to none as every household has rubbish just as food and drink are cash cow industries - you won't go wrong by investing in them and buying tangibles, ie shares!!

Therefore, don't be selfish, if rubbish is processed correctly, and some people will willingly sort out their rubbish, whilst others need an incentive, this will inevitably result in less work for you to process rubbish. Whilst Council wages can be increased by the sale of rubbish to produce recycled items, and also provide money for the honeypot of community objectives, the overall objective is to protect the environment by reducing landfill and utilising less natural resources - for this a person should not need a commercial incentive.

Further explanation of idea as detailed on forum

Good news.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006




Pastor Dennis Heppner

Unjust Law

Thomas Jefferson

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so"

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Equality - isn't this a good idea

"Child Benefit level may be raised as part of anti-poverty measures" by Patrick Wintour of The Guardian 7 August 2006

"Boost to child benefit urged"

Campaigners have said that the same level of child benefit should be paid to families for all their children.

The Child Poverty Action Group urges the move in order to cut rates of child poverty. Epolitix 7/8/6

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sharia Law - its consequences appear very violent

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Participative Justice

Distributive Justice

Click Here

Allegorical representation of justicia (distributive and communicative justice) one of the principles of good civil rule (fresco Sienna beginning of 14th Century).

Click Here


European Law - Directive on Mediation


Gustave Dore 'The Last Judgment'

Kylie A Pawluk

Michelangelo 'Last Judgment'

Stefan Lochner c.1435 'The Last Judgment'

Judgment of Paris

Horus Judgment

Judgment after Death

George Frederick Watts 'Time Death and Judgment'