Monday, March 31, 2008

Justice v Compromise - Consultation on the Civil Courts Review (Scotland) : "Virtual Court"/this blog!!

Today, the Consultation Paper on the Civil Review in Scotland closed.

Consultation Paper on the Civil Court Review (Scotland)

Who's involved

My reponse (which I have asked to be published) is downloadable Click Here


"7. To what extent should the court control the conduct and pace of litigation?

Judge should always be in control – IT should make this efficient by (a) automatically issuing contempt orders / perversion/obstruction orders (ie automation does not allow for discretion – a lot of nonsense would be stopped overnight and would ensure equality before the law); if parties wanted to go fast, then the sooner both sides upload their data, the sooner the judge can bring forward the next case marshalled deadline to comply with his first available gaps in his itinerary where other cases have settled or been resolved.

Pace is either at the the direction of the Judge or can be speeded up by the parties acting responsibly in accordance with the Judge’s overall itinerary.

However, the last paragraph of clause 5.2 the test of proportionality … “ causes me concern: proportionality is I consider superceded by article 6 of the Human Rights Act. Everyone has the right to a fair trial – it is therefore not about costs or resources or degrees of knowledge of the parties to deal with legal proceedings or unmeritorious, frivolous or vexatious claims it is about “Justice” of which Article 6 of the HRA 1998 is fundamental.

The judiciary may intervene in a case in one direction only – progressively (law applied), not digressively (law not applied) or regressively (non-law) mediation, for the sole purpose of achieving justice and thereby establishing democracy. If the parties choose to settle through court process prior to trial then that resolves the dispute to a degree.

The issues of proportionality, cost and mediation as expunged by the Woolf Report are in essence anti-judiciary; anti-democratic; deficient in intellect; abusive of human rights potentially nazi; Jewish sympathetic – money; unjust law; nonsense. A judge makes parties equal through participation purposive to justice. Need to not follow the Woolf Reforms which are a travesty – the role of a judicial system is to apply the rule of law, not to avoid doing so or create a two tier system in society. A justice system is meant to be accessible to the ordinary man in the street for his benefit not for a few who can afford it or a playground for lawyers / barristers. The reasonable man on the Clapham Omnibus is the ordinary standard of reasonableness. If the judicial system cannot accommodate that degree of intellect and participation then it is not fit for purpose. Any judge who thinks otherwise should depart the bench.

However, the quote on page 47 is utter rubbish and I find it hard to believe that the judiciary “admit” to stopping a case. Justice is an inherent power for which the judge is guardian. This statement admits that a judge is incompetent, not wise, not intelligent and begs the question why is the person a judge. Two parties bring the action one wins, one loses, one is truthful, the other lies, avoids, covers up. If the judge is powerless then remove from the bench. If the judge is powerless then he is probably bent.

A judge has an inherent power to bring the case to an end by “reason” which is “natural law”: there is a natural and logical flow to circumstances (cause) to consequences (effect) – they are not reversible.

Concerning the second quote on page 47 a judge is meant to “discover” the law not create it, else it is likely to be unjust or bad law.

Clause 5.11 threw up something interesting … A sheriff’s statutory powers only limit the exercise of the inherent jurisdiction to the extent that it cannot be exercised in a way that is inconsistent with statute law or statutory rules of court”.

I therefore find this clause inconsistent with clause 5.23 and a draft Act of Sederunt for mediation rules … as presumably this draft is inconsistent with the HRA 1998 and Article 6 and the right to a fair trial – the HRA 1998 is statute law and must be deemed to be embedded into statutory rules of court via article 6 : therefore to my mind, you cannot alter the Act of Sederunt to the detriment of the overriding objective of article 6 of the HRA 1998. Legal Opinion and public debate is necessary on this issue.

The Judge should be interventionalist but solely for the purpose of applying the rule of law and thereby ensuring article 6 of the HRA 1998 is fundamentally achieved, ie Justice thereby democracy. Anything else, is utter nonsense and deficient in intellect. Also case precedent (Halsey 2004).

Very pleased with clauses 5.29 to 5.35 and moreorless 5.36 to 5.50."

This paper also discussed the "Virtual Court" - my blog is an example of one concerning the Lesley McDade v Masons and Lesley McDade v S J Berwin & Co and others below.

The other pertinent issue is why are there no posts in Jurisprudence in the Scottish Government and/or Scottish Judiciary - it is surely not just meant to be an academic subject!!!!

Participants in this consultation paper if requesting their response be published will be featured at this e-address:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Litigant in Person

The Heather Mills and Paul McCartney Story ended yesterday and the newspapers duly got their field day.

Of merit to Ms Mills is this statement:

"'The power of one' was how she described it. She labelled herself as 'a campaigning girl' and urged others not to be frightened to represent themselves in court, even though, she insisted, the legal system didn't approve of it."

My blog appears to substantiate Ms Mills theory concerning litigants in person: not only have I done the research - on the Woolf Report - wherein Lord Woolf informs litigants in person are problematic, etc, etc (see academia in jurisprudence post) but I have also done the practical TWICE and am on going on a third litigation - I am in year 12 now in an attempt to secure Justice.

With the exception of Lord Justice Lindsay, I have found that judges pander to lawyered/barristered up Respondents to the degree that they are actually blind to the evidence and are often devoid of wisdom and intellect to such a degree that they are actually frauds/involved in corruption - a little legal mafia if you like - they certainly protect their own - moreover they use the "procedural rules" to delay, avoid actually reaching the substantive trial and many of the procedural rules are just not necessary at all.

Therefore, it would be more pertinent to actually ask Ms Mills where she sourced her obvious annoyance and raison d'etre to the degree that she did "street justice" and threw water over Ms Shackleton. Somewhere in that raison d'etre she reasoned that Ms Shackleton deserved a right proper drenching - it could have been an oozi.

In Jurisprudence, it is well known that you do not actually NEED a legal system in society - you can have a savage society - it is however, DESIREABLE to have a legal system, because it stops street justice and coerces people into the "intelligence" arena of the courts" supposedly. In our "feral society" why would someone spend £500 on a writ and wait 4 years to trial to be treated abominably and despicably by the legal/judicial profession when you can spend £500 on a gun and to hang the consequences.

Therefore, if a person is a "litigant in person" they should be perceived as "necessary" to a legal system - because - at the end of the day if the ordinary man in the street cannot use the legal system because it is too complex, too biased/prejudiced/corrupt to the legal/judical (system) - they will show how and where there needs to be improvements. We have all heard the saying "the person on the Clapham omnibus" as being "the reasonable person image in society". Well somehow Ms Shackleton got drenched - and given what I have been through - I don't reckon on Ms Mills not doing it for a reason.

The Judiciary would be prudent (jurisprudent) to meet with Ms Mills to discuss the proceedings in her case IF NOT ALSO Disability bodies. Ms Mills has her own persona in society, she is not an unintelligent woman - yet she "reacted" to the treatment she received from Ms Shackleton - noticeably she did not throw the water over the judge or Mr McCartney!!!!

The Drenching of Ms Fiona Shackleton

UPDATE - 24/4/08

There is an article in the Daily Mail 24/4/08 by Paul Revoir and Richard Simpson informing "£500m" Sir Paul - Beatle is worth 25pc more than he declared in his divorce, says study. The issue appears to relate to the fact that "The Sunday Times Rich List suggests court estimates of McCartney's wealth did not appear to take into account the proceeds of his first wife Linda's will.

The explanation for that could be that the purposes of the course hearing this amount was no considered to be part of McCartney's wealth, as it was left in a trust not owned by him, and which is controlled by trustees and not him personally.

The list will also claim that the court estimate undervalued his back catalogue of songs, image rights and recordings. ...

As the highest-earning rock star, he is ranked 158th on the 2008 list, down from 102 last year.

However, independent research by the Daily Mail reveals that his wealth may be as much £800 million."

Thanks for the clarity by the Daily Mail :
[Unfortunately, I could not find the link to this article]

Friday, March 07, 2008

Judge, Jury and Executioner - words of wisdom

There is a gaelic proverb:

In a Raven's Nest you should find a Raven

This rule of nature premised in law would state:

In a Judgment, you should find a rule of law!

Therefore, independence of the judiciary means the rule of law is "applied", not "not applied" if the judiciary want to be truly "independent".

Perhaps, Professor Richard Susskind OBE would like to inform the press, what happened on the Lesley McDade v Masons case. Presumption of innocence - I don't think so. Perhaps also the HMCS would like to inform the Lord Chancellor so that he can inform the Prime Minister - unfortunately my MP Gavin Strang prefers to "duck" rather than to "challenge" on my behalf. I live in hope that the lilly livers within the Ministry of Justice are made accountable and responsible to the electorate.

Perhaps the reason why they cannot acknowledge my research and litigations is because there would "justifiably" be some very seriously high profile heads on plates who are definitely "not beyond reproach". The corporate veil is also raised. Issues may just be treason!

The Law Society codes of conduct, I believe, do not permit lawyers to bring the profession into disrepute. There are firms that are well and truly in the gutter - I wonder when there is going to be repercussions/clean up of the law profession, let alone the judiciary. In hindsight has it been worth it?

Emeritus Professor, First class law graduate from Glasgow University, Professor of Law and Philosophy and visting professor at Strathclyde and Kings College, Liveryman with the Worshipful Company of Information Technoglogists, column in the Times, a couple of books, OBE, IT Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice - criminal - perversion of the course of justice, criminal defamation, misconduct in public office, conspiracy with others, etc etc etc! "Professor "DisOBEdient" - all because Cathy James is a "knowingly" incompetent secretary who left a confidential memo in the public network directory because she was too dim and shag happy to bother to comply with company policy. If you were "reasonable, reasonable, reasonable" you would have sacked Cathy as "cause": you deliberately and maliciously victimised me without producing any evidence because you wanted to cover it up which is why your paperwork focused on "effect" - you were not working in my best interests you were probably trying to protect the "equity" in the firm as all equity partners are jointly liable under the Partnership Act and you claimed it was a "management decision" and failed to check the contract which made your activities "unlawful", not reasonable.

And yes I do know about "escotericism".


Monday, March 03, 2008

Balance: the Scales of Justice - Jurisprudence is the Science and Theory of Human Law

It appears to me that New Labour policies in the civil and criminal law are unbalanced and have been so for some time - for people like me who have a scientific interest in what is happening to society via Jurisprudence - some of us can only watch as society deteriorates/degenerates.

New Labour have managed to put some 3000 pages of criminal legislation on the Statute books since 1997: Lord Phillips of Sudbury resigned last year as he was concerned at the amount of legislation being created by Parliament, I think he stated 9000 pages at that time to 2007.

Here are a couple of interesting articles of evidential concern that society is currently unbalanced on impact/outcomes which are measurable!!!

Deterioration at the IPCC

"Crisis at Police Watchdog as lawyers resign" - Guardian 25/02/08

Detetioration within Prisons

"Prison boss warns: we are nearing meltdown" - The Scotsman 03/03/08

The Government are fully aware of my concerns in Jurisprudence - especially ADR. No one can claim to be ignorant or that issues are a surprise - I have done my level best to promote Jurisprudence and my personal issues to the political arena and appear to be largely ignored by the Lord Chancellor's Department; Department of Constitutional Affairs; and now Ministry of Justice and dealt with in a "negative" manner: I am entitled to have a voice, but fully appreciate I am a British citizen who DOES NOT live in a democracy - the difference between me and someone else is that I have jumped through so many hoops I can now prove it.