Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Directive on Mediation - The Subsidiary Principle



Arlene McCarthy MEP has published her drafts to the Consultation Paper on the Subsidiary Principle (taking issues out of the control of the UK and up to the Community level in the EU).

Unfortunately, her drafts are not worth the paper they are written on. They "intentionally" will mislead the European Parliament. She has gone down the route of promulgating the myth that mediation (ADR)is in someway akin to "Access to Justice". This is clearly not the case, the outcome of mediation is "Access from Justice" especially when contained "within" the judicial and legal system. A "misrepresentation" is an act of bad faith. Litigation is necessary to achieve Justice only. Litigation and Mediation (ADR) are opposites. The former, the "judge" decides and the parties experience equality before the law in a traditional sense. The latter, the "parties" decide and there is a spectrum which I call "contemporary equality" between 99:1 70:30 [50:50] 40:60 1:99. Whilst the parties are required to act in "good faith", the mediator is neutral and has no powers to make people behave on a 50:50 basis - therefore "inequality" is more likely to be the order of the day in mediation.

As Rapporteur she interviewed a total of 7 people, of whom 2 were published responses - England & Wales and Austria, the other 5 are alleged to be "experts". Why she chose to use 5 experts who were not published responses is suspicious - perhaps she needed to rubber stamp a settled outcome. My published response (minus the publication of the provided evidence) was contrary to the proposed Directive and was based on a "competition model" as opposed to the "coercive regime model" of the English & Welsh legal system. Why, oh why, did she not interview me - given my very academic stance in Jurisprudence is contrary to and exposes the fundamental flaw in the Directive which is back to back the same flaw in the Woolf Report covering the legal system of England & Wales which is sourcing from America (not Japan where the concept originally comes from). She claims to have read my published response, but it appears not to have been processed further. This is bias. It is probably also undemocratic, ie if you don't have a fair and transparent process, then you are unlikely to achieve a fair and democratic outcome - the reports go before the European Parliament at the end of February unless my behind the scene activites can do something to alter that process - should I email all MEP's in Europe to show them they are being scammed by this concept, let them know there is an alternative (the competition model), or have I done my best and if Europe wants to make fools of themselves, so be it. Let me know - there is a comments box and email address if you want to contact me.

What Ms McCarthy MEP is promoting is a piece of utter nonsense based on people who are nowhere near expert to my mind. I would go so far as to say she could be guilty of misconduct in public office if she delivers up this draft to the European Union for debate.

I am currently doing my best to make this report - ACCURATE.

Which raises the question, why do mediators (ADR'ists) want people to believe they are getting "Access to Justice" and "Equality" when they are clearly getting the opposite as an outcome "Access from Justice" and "Inequality".

There is an agenda here - undermining the rule of law - the ulterior motive is the issue. Reason would suggest there is an ulterior motive at play - societal standards lower when the rule of law is about non-law. Why would a Judge, barrister or lawyer not want the rule of law to be applied - they presumably studied and practised law for a reason?

Moreover, mediation (ADR) in the McCarthy methodology "overreaches" into judicial case law and removes the case from the public arena of law to its own private forum, thereby "hiding" the case and the parties. Why would a judge collude with the hiding of issues. Society is safe where the light of day shines into the corners of evil, why would both parties want to hide any wrong doing. This question is relevant to Japanese culture where ADR is used to "save lack of face". This is contrary to the English & Welsh model which is promoted to "save money", ie the premis that it is quicker and cheaper than litigation. The Scots even claim "it saves money on the legal aid fund"! Justice is a cost that cannot be measured - it stops people reverting to savage or even going to war! In war, the first thing to go is the judicial system.

Lastly, it is fallacious that Mediation (ADR) is cheaper, quicker and can happen anytime, anywhere. If it was the case, then why did the Woolf Reforms find it so difficult to gain access to research material and had to implement the Woolf reforms on minimal substance and statistics?

Arlene McCarthy's reports have taken over a year to draft, are nonsensical, unintelligent, possibly criminal, shoddy, inaccurate and disastrous.

So much for European Year 2007 being the year of "Equality and Non-Discrimination"

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Happy Birthday to me

January 21 to February 19

Click here Aquarius Profile


Friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual

On the dark side....

Intractable and contrary
Perverse and unpredictable
Unemotional and detached


What a dreary world it would be
If there were no tales of Fantasy!
No Mister Rabbit, no Mister Mouse,
No Wicked Witch, no Mushroom House;
No Fairy Princess, Queen or King,
No handsome Prince, no magic ring;
No gay Frog, no grumpy Toad
Who in dark ponds has his abode.
No castle turrets on a hill,
No fierce Dragon in dungeon chill;
No fairy ring in meadow green,
No Gnomes, no Elvins, to be seen;
These would be missed should this come true,
By all children, and grown-ups, too.

PHYLLIS JERMY (my grandmother)

Friday, January 26, 2007

To Jail or Not to Jail that is the Question?

John Reid, the beleaguered Home Secretary, has a quandary on his hands. To jail or not to jail?

The issue has escalated from an overcrowded prison issue to the judiciary who appear to have been doing "excessive sentencing" especially concerning childrens' prisons.

There is currently a prison population of 80,000 capacity and John Reid and Lord Falconer, of the Department of Constitutional Affairs, are directing judges that only the most serious offenders should be given custodial sentences.

A Welsh judge, Judge John Rogers QC, implemented government policy by not sentencing Derek Williams for sex crimes which he admitted and said in his verdict, "as of yesterday I have to bear in mind a communication from the home secretary" and "the current sentencing climate".

Shadow home secretary David Davis said: "We now have a situation where sentences are being dictated by the prison capacity and not the severity of the crime."

Reid confirmed on Thursday that the prison service is negotiating to buy two prison ships, and is considering using a former RAF base to ease overcrowding in the short term.

What a conundrum:

However, I personally do not agree with sending non-violent criminals to prison. I have my own solution which is based on "circularity" between the Courts, Councils and the Community. The premis is to restructure society on the principle "CRIME DOES NOT PAY".

I think it is a complete waste of tax payers money to imprison someone on a non-violent crime. It costs up to £45,000 to keep someone in prison per annum. An incapacity benefit claimant will receive, inclusive of housing allowance, a minimum of £10,000. That means for every prisoner in prison for a year the tax payer is costed, in excess, £30,000.

I would like to see "benefit" not "burden" and I believe in "value added" as a policy.

With the advent of electronic tagging and satelite tracking it is possible to confine people to an area and at home rather than in prison. This alone would free up £30,000 per criminal. So even if we hypothetically took 1/2 the current prison population as non-violent criminals, the potential cost saving of electronically tagging and satelite tracking to confine a criminal to a given area is 40,000 x £30,000 = £1.2 billion.

Now what could I do with £1.2 billion to restructure society?

There are many many environmental projects which need to be done but which lack a cash injection:

Flood defences
Shovelling snow
Research on fish stocks
Protecting species and flowers on sites of special scientific interest
etc. If I thought about it I could come up with hundreds of ideas. If any of my ideas are being done, the money comes from "Council Tax" or the goverment/European funds/lottery/trusts and charity, etc. But the biggest cost in many environmental projects is the wages bill, so you rely on volunteers BUT WHAT ABOUT CRIMINALS.

If the adage "CRIME DOESN'T PAY" is to ring true then there is potentially room for progress and improvement in society. People who are criminals could be electronically tagged, satelite tracked and used on environmental projects.

Some criminals re-offend: this problem could be addressed by making tasks harder or dirtier:

dry stane dyking
refuse collection/street sweeping
cleaning canals
sewage treatment and cleaning sewers
gutting fish on a fishing trawler
doing the lambing season
expeditions to the north and south pole, etc

By "doing" something for nothing, criminals would become a "benefit" not a "burden".

"VALUE ADDED" £30,000 per criminal could mean saving a particular species of plant, planting forests to address climate change, cleaner streets, better walls aiding tourism in rural areas, making it safer for people to get about during winter during heavy snow falls.

Benefit v burden again: the criminal gets something TO DO, doing something gives them something to add onto their CV and aids employability. The criminal pays back society and communities not the prison or government - a fine is not the answer.

Youths and children who are bored or frustrated with society and have gone off the rails are helped to get back into society, learn skills, earn respect for their environment and something other than themselves and are given dignity and self-esteem by their own actions.

Criminals stay with their families thus the family unit is not stigmatised/victimised by imprisonment - kids see their criminal mum/dad on a daily basis lessening the impact of criminality.

£1.2 billion saved could be worth a fortune.

HOW by simply getting a local Council to set up an email link between itself and the Courts and the Community. The Council would need to co-ordinate projects and a judge would have an option to be placed to a criminal on sentencing of projects available in its area. The criminal could choose his/her project. The Community could inform what projects need doing or what they would like to happen with their Council tax, simply by asking the community once a year of any issues on a form supplied with their Council tax notification or by providing an email address.

Electronic tagging by satelite tracking could monitor by showing that a person attends the project, stays in its confinement area, and if he/she doesn't, could be picked up by the Police and brought back before the sentencing judge. The technology is now possible and for not a very high cost.

These are just my thoughts, which could be used and refined quite easily if people really did want "PROGRESS AND IMPROVEMENT" and "PROGRESS/IMPROVEMENT MANAGEMENT" for the "COMMON GOOD".

Now is as opportune a time as any - do we really want "prison ships"?


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Justice and the Zodiac - The Scales

September 24 to October 23

Click here Libra Profile


Diplomaitic and urbane
Romantic and charming
Easygoing and sociable
Idealistic and peaceable

On the dark side....

Indecisive and changeable
Gullible and easily infuenced
Flirtatious and self-indulgent

Friday, January 12, 2007

Justice and the Nostradamus Prophecies


There will be faults in the blood of the just in London
Burned by a lightening strike of twenty three the sixes
The Old Lady topples from her high place
Many of the same group will be hidden

"Faults in the blood" could mean Jewish or (anti-christ-ian), ie Lord Woolf, the Lord Chief Justice, and the Woolf Report.

It could also mean CPR Rule 26 and the introduction of Mediation "within" the legal system as ADR does the opposite to the rule of law.

It could also mean a miscarriage of justice (judicial corruption) in a litigated case (my litigation against Masons and Professor Richard Susskind, IT Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice).

All three issues above occurred in London in 1997-1999.

"Burned by a lightening strike of twenty three the sixes"

This is complex because you would have to be me to know this. Burned by a lightening strike could refer to an "email" the substance of which destroys an initiative in a given form. The English legal system chose to adopt ADR "within" the Justice system in 1999 even although the Government (Blair) became aware there was a fundamental flaw in the Access to Justice Bill as early as 1997 and certainly before implementation in 1999. The Directive on Mediation is to be adopted by 24 of 25 Member States, Denmark have abstained. In reality, therefore the Directive is concerned with 23 Member States. The Directive contains the fundamental flaw and the Scottish Executive and Civil Justice Unit in Brussels were contacted using my research and they are continuing to promulgate a misrepresentation of fact -"Access to Justice" when the outcome is "Access from Justice". The Sixes I think relate to six Americans who originally brought this concept to America. I worked with one of them and he informed in an internal seminar on ADR the names of the other five. Unfortunately I can only recall one name but the seminar was videod. Whilst I appreciate the above is speculative and circumstantial, it is the only explanation I can proffer from my own knowledge that makes sense of this line in the quatrain.

"The Old Lady topples" - the universal figure of justice at the Old Bailey and the impact of the Woolf Reforms which could topple justice in society. ADR is also an oriental/eastern culture concept and the word "topples" would signify an invasion of something or someone into a western culture. ADR sources from Japan. This particular form of ADR is sourcing from America.

This indicates ADR as it is opposite the rule of law. Justice is no longer a virtue, enter "compromise" as mediation.

This also indicates the Woolf reforms as people may fall through the system due to ex parte preliminary hearings, ex parte application hearings at the Court of Appeal level and skeleton arguments.

"Many of the same group will be hidden"

This could mean lawyers, barristers, judges are "hidden" by the concept of ADR which impacts by "privatising" the rule of law. I argue that lawyers, barristers and judges should only practice the rule of law: mediators and mediation should not occur "within" the legal profession and should correctly only exist in a democracy outside the rule of law.


Through the Attic land fountain of wisdom
At present the rose of the world
The bridge ruined, and is great pre-eminence
Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves

"Attic land" is area around Athens signifying Greece and the seat of democracy.

"The Rose" also symbolises England and most highly principled centre of the world.

If mediation enters democracy (Greek ideology) and justice does not occur then the principles and standards of the rule of law in a democracy fall as they are compromised by not being reiterated - mediation is the achilles heel of democracy because justice is fundamental to democracy as it is the only mechanism to cause equality, fairness, impartiality and just conduct.

Therefore if Justice does not occur - no longer a democracy.

"The bridge ruined, and is great pre-eminence"

The bridge that is potentially being ruined is the English legal system which is throughout the world as the precursor to the legal systems of America, Russia, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, and other Commonwealth of Nations countries and other countries. Therefore, the English legal system is the "great pre-eminence".

"Will be subjected"

This could mean "compromise"

"A wreck amongst the waves"

The UK is an island and indicates that the issue is going to affect the UK especially England, "the Rose".


Monday, January 01, 2007

Archangel Chamuel - Divine Love and Divine Justice

"One of the seven great Archangels. Like Gabriel, Chamuel is considered to be one of the angels who was present at the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus went there to meditate on his plight prior to his arrest and subsequent crucifixion.

Chamuel teaches us to expand our capacity to love, and the value of working with the best possible intentions, for the benefit of all mankind, not just ourselves.

Archangels of the months of the year:

January - Gabriel
February - Barchiel
March - Malchidiel
April - Asmodel
May - Amriel
June - Muriel
July - Verchiel
August - Hamaliel
September - Zuriel or Uriel
October - Barbiel
November - Adnachiel or Advchiel
December - Hanael or Anael

I am an Aquarian. Gabriel is the archangel covering my star sign.

Gabriel is usually depicted with a trumpet to reflect that she is a "messenger of God", the angel of Truth. Gabriel is thought to be a woman in the angelic hierarchy as she is seated to the left of the throne of God. She is seen as the angel of mercy and is synonymous with redemption.

The Archangel Michael is typically identified as a protector and a holy warrior. At the last Judgment it is Michael who will weigh and balance good deeds against bad. He is often depicted in classical art in full armour, wielding an unsheathed sword and holding the scales of justice. Michael argues with the devil and during the war in heaven against Satan conquers the dragon.

Michael is seen as working closely with the earth during the current transition into the Age of Aquarius. This will mark the end of an era of patriarchal power, and the beginning of a new age of humanity, equality, compassion and communion".

Christine Astell, Discovering Angels, Birbeck College, London

The Citizen and the Non-Citizen

I have visited both Romania and Bulgaria and from today both countries becomes citizens of Europe. Welcome.

The press are indicating that Scotland will be a target country for many Romanians and Bulgarians and have already imputed that they will be "undesireables" contra the Polish population who have been widely received as "beneficial" to Scotland on joining the EU.

As such, I provide a link to an academic paper on the global situation on the citizen and non-citizen relating to those who are stateless which I found substantively worth reading. Informatively, the article indicates there is a lack of jurisprudence on citizenship and the non-citizen!

"Holes in the Rights Framework"
(Click in the right hand corner to see the full (29 page) document)
