Tuesday, November 06, 2007

ADR Debate - 1 Nov 2007 Holyrood, Scottish Parliament

8 MSP's across all political parties were emailed my concerns about ADR to raise on my behalf 2 days prior to the Debate 9.15 -11.40 am. Some never turned up, those who did choose not to debate my issues, such that all political parties were moreorless singing from the same hymn sheet, chapter and verse.

The debate raised an interesting point : the willing go to ADR and the unwilling go to the Courts. Given the problem is actually "the opposites" - Access FROM Justice (ADR) or Access to Justice (litigation): a politician may actually be glimpsing the ambiguity in processing this concept in a Western Democracy.

In all the "nonsense" that was "debated"! someone actually discussed the reality of the Football the previous evening - at least that was accurate, honest, and intelligent!

I have written to the First Minister to complain that every party "mislead" Parliament and registered a vote of "no confidence" in all political parties. I await his response.