Monday, June 15, 2009

The "Hard Case" - the common denominator

There is always a hard case in the Justice system.

There was not much on TV last night in the UK so I popped onto Freeview and found the BBC Parliamentary channel and watched a couple of debates on civil service issues and the Israel/Palistine conflict.

The debate around the table and cross-examination of Tony Blair, ex-UK Prime Minister was interesting, however, I found myself in favour of the "one state" option over the "two state" option. I can see the hard case issues.

The reason I prefer the one state option is that what appears to be causing a lot of the problems is the ability to actually live in conflict - borders, barriers, tunnels, illegitimacy = resistence not harmony. There appears to me to be a need to find a common denominator or several.

Looking for common denominators I was thinking why not impose the same sanctions/restrictions that are occurring to the Palestinians on the Israeli's. No text books for students, not being allowed to choose where you have your house, no access to your banking, food rotting in the sun, etc. That seems the base level of a common denominator : cause the whole region to experience the same and see if everyone "reasons" there is a need to "improve" things.

Or you could go the otherway, instead of a base level common denominator why not a high level common denominator: if one-state you would need to change the name of the state to a point of agreement (consensus ad idem - meeting of the minds). What about creating another name out of Israel-Palestine: bit difficult. So, the other "actual" common denominator that you all have is a religious one : Abraham. What about "Abraham(sland)" as a one-state option.

In Abraham(sland) there would be no barriers, no borders, no illegitimate business, no need for tunnels, food would be openly sold on the marketplace and students would have textbooks. There would be no more need or reason for folks to have to live on that piece of land in preference to that one : so some integration between the Jewish, Muslim and Christian and other faiths in the area. You would also have a reason to build nice buildings, work towards development of your tourist attractions, you could even have a common denominator bank - Abrahams Bank to assist the development funding of works. At any point of conflict : you could all use the word "Abraham", not Israel or Palestine.

Because this region is specifically identified on the "religious" BELIEF layer of intelligence, a high common denominator may actually be useful if not sensible.

The solution appears to me to be one-state as then you do not have the ability to do internal combustion if you can all peacefully live in any place in the state - so Jews in Gaza and Palestinians in areas of Israel.

Makes a lot more sense at the high level common denominator than the low base level.

Christianity : an innocent man was put on the cross - that is one of your tourist attractions - his message was "love". Pontius Pilate cause or created the Christian story as we have come to believe it. Pontius Pilate was born in Perth in Scotland, but who was he? The issue is that there is a direct link between the people of Scotland and the people of ......

It's a solution, please discuss ... the cat and mouse politics needs to stop, people need to reason why ... together you would assist each other and be a force for good in the world, you would be stronger as a shared entity than as a parted one. That is my belief anyway. Best of luck.


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