Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas - 2009

Copenhagen, well that was a Christmas present, nevermind that they did not reach a concrete Treaty (ie what they "SHOULD HAVE DONE"), focus instead on what they "DID DO".

They appear to all be going in the SAME DIRECTION, implying that some form of "consensus" has been reached, which will go forward next year, possibly in Germany and thereafter in Mexico. The Latin American's appear to me to have done particularly well, appearing succinctly in the spotlight at Copenhagen. I await next year, the reason ...

The Scotsman publications promoted an article using the word "spin", in association with Barack Obama, President of America. I had hoped that spin was over in relation to newspapers and media - why or what is the need or reason for spin? Did we not have enough in the 1990s affecting journalism and media to such a degree that anyone relying on an article with the word "spin" would have to go behind the source material, to establish with some degree of certainty what actually they DID DO, over what they SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE!!! OR SHOULD HAVE DONE!!!.

Newspapers of the calibre of the Scotsman, a Broadsheet, are used as source material in research papers, therefore promulgating "spin" is a "DID DO" but "SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE". Many thesis may actually be on unsolid foundations or as is said in the construction world - encompassing a "latent defect" ... in nouse.

Back to the point of focus - what is the "SPIN" associated with Climate Change and "Copenhagen"?

On the issues of media and journalism, the Chinese release a story and that ends the investigation and specific nature of the story : what do the Chinese make of "spin", where the story is not exactly obvious?

The only other issue I am still pondering is : "What does "NEW" mean in "NEW LABOUR"?

Well, I am anticipating that I will have a lovely Christmas this year - a friend was mentioning that there is a place where she can go to get "free worms", I said what a lovely idea, can you get me some too - much appreciated Christmas pressie idea. I explained, I have been planting in the garden, but its a hit and a miss this year and last - perhaps Climate Change. However, the soil is over 100 years old and does not appear to have been turned or fertilised, and I have not seen any worms. Worms, therefore, would do the necessary grunt work, and produce possibly a beautiful garden - it cannot possibly be the introduction of unusual flora species, however, I was grateful for the small amount of flowers I did actually receive this year, an improvement on last year. My next door neighbour came up with a novel idea for a fence - recycling pallets, when stood verticle they make a lovely fence. I am anticipating that my ain folks can come up with a couple of bags of logs so that I can create some biodiverse borders - my order is in for Christmas. Other friends have recommended sources where I can obtain some natural fertilisers for a small fee ... I am looking forward to Spring: my favourite flower is "The Snowdrop". November is supposed to be the month for roses, but I am sure they can still grow if planted any month. Someone also usefully provided a wheelbarrow as an attractive water butt. I do have a good copy of Gardening using "Feng Shui" ... and I anticipate with the current cold spell in Edinburgh that Climate Change may be improving ... I think it is about global cooling rather than global warming ... perhaps "emissions" was not the most necessary item on the Copenhagen agenda to secure an International Treaty.

One last question : the Copenhagen summit, where does that leave the Kyoto protocol -is it running parallel, or have we all globally moved on, and Germany or Mexico is the next statement of intent ...?