Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Common Sense as opposed to Non sense!!

Well done Lord Justice Richards

Alzheimer's Drug Victory - Daily Mail article 02/05/08 by Jenny Hope

To the social policy makers - why are you spending up to £45,000 per annum keeping a person in prison and the cost of Alzheimer's drugs cost £2.50 a day! enabling a right to life. Get your priorities right.

In that regard, if global warming is a reality and the sea levels do indeed rise as per the Al Gore movie [and I would add that I attended the Edinburgh Lecture featuring the Cosmonauts/Astronaut last year which showed evidentially that what is occurring on earth can be seen from outer space and IS being monitored by the Russians and Americans thereby verifying the evidence Al Gore is also affirming] why are our prisoners not engaged in flood defence!! Food for thought on the issue of common sense over nonsense!


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